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Possible answers for questions 1 - 6.  Some questions can have more than one possible answers.  Look over your answers.


1.  I can infer that Seth, Tony, Gia, Cal, Lucy, and Mike were all in some type of trouble, hence the reason they were on the camp with Steve and Diana.


2.  i) Maybe they may encounter some type of danger or difficulty while on the water.

     ii) Maybe the teens will learn an important lesson while out on the water.


3.  i)  This could mean the teens were probably in a sour mood.

     ii)  This could mean the teens were probably uncooperative.


4. i)  This tells me that Caleb's mother will fix breakfast next.

    ii)  This tells me that Caleb's mother will put bread on the plates that are laid out on the table.


5.  This tells me that Racquel will soon have a shower.


6.  i)  This tells me that Joseph's grandfather will take the garbage bags to the bin next.

     ii)  This tells me that Joseph's grandfather will continue raking the lawn.

Answers for explict/implicit quiz

Results page for Summary Writing course + Grammar Infographics

Skill's Targeted Info-graphs For summary writing skills

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Summary Writing Steps

January 15th 2015

To summarize from an article or a book is a very important, technical skill that must be taught. Find out where to start.

Communicating Factual Information Clearly

December 7th 2014

How do you read through an extract?  Speed reading is a great skill for students. In this lesson, you will learn to read and understand concepts at a faster rate; decode unfamiliar words and phrases, and understand the author's intent at a quicker pace.  Such skills are so necessary for the English student, and will help him or her complete the exam paper with confidence - on time!

Extracting specific information from what is read: How to find the main idea in Paper 2, Section 1

December 8th 2014

Did you know that an important skill to writing a summary. is to know how to extract the main points from what you have read?  Follow the guide of this infogram to learn how.

(You need to know where these are...) The Topic Sentence- The Supporting Details- in Paper2, Section 1

December 12th, 2014

In Summary writing, the topic sentence is one of the first great places to go to inorder to understand the purpose of an article, and to find the main points.  This info gram will guide you through to finding the purpose of an article.

How to choose the important points that will form the main idea?

January 23rd, 2015

In an article, each paragraph will usually contain more than one main points.  Knowing which points form the main idea will help you explain the overall idea of the essay using your own words, without changing the meaning of the essay.

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